Saturday, November 04, 2006

The Mystery of a Thunderstorm.

the mystery of a thunder storm
So I just got back from camp not to long ago and I was thinking of all the great things that happen out there. There was onw thing
that just stood out so clearly in my mind the fact that there were so many storms..... you know for people at camp they useally dread the fact that a storm was in the distance. For me it was exciting the storm was a beautiful site. as the sound of the thunder rolled through the clouds and the lightning flashed in the distance all I thought was "man God had to be really creative when he thought up that" It may bring a sign of destruction but it is truly a wonderful sight. so I was sitting there on the swing set playing a game with the children when I thought about it clearly. God made the thunder storm, which normally is a frightning sight for many, to be so beautiful so then we would marvel at the sight so then we would question. There has to be a God , that magninficent sight couldn't of happend per chance. The smell of the air after a thunderstom is nothing more the a generation of nitrogin but it is truly one of my favorite smells in the worl. well now you know what I think of a thunder storm, and maybe next time a thunder storm comes your way you should observe it.

Sencerly Yours,
Aimee R.M Condon

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